Well, my priorities over the last few weeks have been to prepare myself physically and spiritually for this trip. I'm happy to report that I'm doing better physically than I have in a long time. All my lifelong digestive problems (with constant energy-sapping pain and running trips to the bathroom) immediately disappeared 2 weeks ago, when I finally took the plunge and dropped ALL the "triggers" from my diet: sugar (except fresh fruit), dairy in any form, beef and processed meats, and most whole grains (for now, while my digestive tract is healing).
I am still in awe of the radical change in my body from the very first day and I'm praising God for giving me the strength to finally do this!It also amazes me that I was able to go "cold turkey" without any emotional distress. That's truly a miracle, believe me, because I've tried to do this in the past and I was simply miserable. Yet, not this time! :-)
My greater battle, not surprisingly, has been in the spiritual realm. I have been inundated with plaguing temptations and fears and anxieties. I do feel like I've turned a corner, esp. after appealing to my husband to pray with me a couple of nights ago. But, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY would like ya'll to be praying for me from now until I return on the 23rd. Here are the cries of my heart...
* strong in the Lord, putting my trust in Him
* a light to a dark world that needs to know about the gift of salvation in Christ Jesus
* able, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to overcome my sin nature in all ways
* safe from all harm & disease (and lice!), unless God has a greater plan for allowing it
* able to sleep on the plane & blessed to find my suitcase waiting for me in baggage claims
* clear-headed when I teach a Sunday School class in Spanish on Sunday the 12th, an hour after we arrive from an all-night flight (You can pray for this during your own church services.)
* given the words (in Spanish) to minister to the prostitutes who come to the Hope House on Fri.
* spared the effects of high altitude sickness (at 13,000 ft.) at the beginning of the 1st week AND the 2nd week (when we return from our weekend down in the jungle orphanage)
* able to stay calm (and alive!) on the "Road of Death" to the orphanage in Caranavi
* a blessing (and not a hindrance) to my team
* able to help my team raise the remaining $1,200 left to pay off the grand total of $25,000!
* able to memorize the words of the songs we'll sing in Spanish so I can be of service in that way
* as passionate about spreading the Gospel when I come home as I will be in La Paz
Thank you so much for all your support, in so many ways, but most of all for the prayers. If I can update my blog from Bolivia, I will. Otherwise, I'll tell you all about it when I get back. Hasta luego! :-)
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