Some of you know that joining this missions team to As I began to panic, Alayna calmly said, “Mommy, I think you NEED to take this trip. I think it’s going to be faith-building for you.” And, you know, she was right. Fear has been one of my greatest obstacles in life, and I believe that God used this trip to bolster my faith in His sustaining power.
Obviously, I did survive the Road of Death (or at least 3 hours of it, since the worst of it has been replaced with a bypass now…but believe me, the rest of the road is
still plenty dangerous). And I also survived the bug bites and whatever diseases were lurking and the pollutants I breathed in and crossing streets full of crazy taxi cab drivers. And it was all worth it. I could tell you of the skits, the testimonies, the 3-night youth conference, the Children’s Church lessons, the care group meetings, the powerful times of Praise & Worship, the fellowship with Bolivian brothers & sisters in Christ, the street evangelism and the people who prayed to receive Christ. But more than anything, I want to tell you about 3 moments that stood out to me.
On our very first day in
Then, the following week, while we were at the orphanage in Caranavi, loving on the 85 children there, a few of the preteen girls brought me a little 16-month old girl who was the size of an 8-month-old . She had arrived there last year in a bad state of malnutrition and was still catching up. But, as they handed her to me, not knowing that she wasn’t available for adoption, the girls started saying, “Adoptar. Adoptar. Adios, Bella. Vas a los Estados Unidos. Vas a aprender ingles,” which meant, “To adopt. To adopt. Goodbye, Bella. You’re going to the
But the most profound moment for me came one day as I was serving in a ministry center in the Red Light District just outside of On my hands and knees, cleaning filthy nursery items for the children of prostitutes who come there with their kids for lunch, it occurred to me that some folks might say, "Well, scrubbing all those foam mats and alphabet letters isn´t exactly the best use of missionary time...esp. considering the fact that they´re just going to get filthy again."
And yet, I had just had a devotional time in the morning, purposefully reading the passage in Luke where the prostitute washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and
anointed them with perfume. Of course, the Pharisees maligned her for that. But, even if she hadn´t been who she was, it is still true that his feet were going to get dirty again. And yet, that act of service was so precious to Christ that he had it recorded for all time in the Gospel. So, it hit me that, as I was scrubbing little letters, I was scrubbing little letters for Jesus. I was truly washing his feet because I was doing it to the VERY least of these, and he counts that as precious. At the same time, though, I was also slammed with the thought that Jesus is just as
pleased when I scrub my girls´ bathroom, or when I coach one of my children as they struggle to read, or when I cook my family a meal instead of sitting at the computer.
So, I went all the way to