So, here's what happened last night. A knock sounded at the front door and I figured that it was YET another neighbor kid wanting a playmate. Sporting my goofy rainbow-striped cotton pants and an oversized, faded pink T-shirt, I yanked open the door and discovered not a kid but a smiling, middle-aged man. He introduced himself as the Children's Ministry Leader of the church where our children attended VBS a couple of weeks ago. He was following up on the fact that both Alayna & Abby had prayed the Sinner's Prayer to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior during VBS. :-)
Now, I know that I haven't mentioned that to any of you yet...perhaps because I didn't really consider it to be the first time that the girls had done this. But, it does seem that their faith has growth this month, so I do think it was a valuable experience for them to raise their hands and publically acknowledge their faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins & then to pray with a teacher. It was especially meaningful that they each did this on their own, in their respective classes, not trying to please a parent.
Anyway, back to Darren at the door: Since Roy was home, I invited him into our family circus. And, oh yes, our little performers did not disappoint us. We had flying monkeys, trapeze artists, clowns, and the general chaotic din of 5 assorted circus animals (not naming any names)! But, Darren was super-nice and laid back, not put off by any of their antics. He was thrilled to hear of all the ways we're seeking the Lord as a family, and even said, "Well, ya'll are just Jesus Freaks!" :-D LOL! What a compliment! :-)
Best of all, though, he prayed with us before he left—including a prayer for my safety and effectiveness in Bolivia. What a blessing! And all this just from answering a knock at the door.
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